" /> Wine glass holder (multicolor) - Fa ajándék és használati tá

Wine glass holder (multicolor)

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18 db
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
Wine glass holder (multicolor)
24 EUR
Clever gift for men!
This kind small thing makes the wine drinking what by the way pleasant is more pleasant.

We put it on the middle bore-hole on the neck of the wine bottle. We can do the wine glasses into glass holters on the two ends the wine glasses down, or upstairs.
They were made of several wooden sorts. They are mostly individual pieces.

Size: 7x21x1.5 cm
Weight: 120 g


Németh Zoltán faműves mester (Bicske)


Fa-time Manufaktura
Article No.
120 g/db
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